Agnieszka Franków-Żelazny is one of the most recognized choral conductors in Poland.
She is a Titular Professor of Musical Arts, PhD and an active teacher. She studied voice and conducting at the Academies of Music in Wrocław and Bydgoszcz. She is also a biologist, a graduate of the University of Wrocław and a culture manager with a diploma from the University of Economics in Kraków, as well as MBA studies at the Collegium Humanum at the Central School of Management.
I have been working alongside Agnieszka Franków-Żelazny for over fifteen years. She is a really an excellent musician, a very fine trainer of choirs and a wonderful and supportive colleague. We began working together in the early days of the Wroclaw Philharmonic Choir, which has now become the acclaimed NFM choir. From quite modest early days, Agnieszka soon built up a superb ensemble.
It is always a privilege to work with Agnieszka. Over the past few years we have collaborated on several choral projects and I admire the high level she is able to achieve with her singers. She is very demanding and a consummate professional and I know that she inspires everyone that is fortunate to work with her.
Agnieszka is an outstanding, versatile person, active in many fields. She is an excellent conductor, pedagogue and organiser. Together with the NFM Choir she has achieved a beautiful sound. Her interpretations always match my intentions.
Agnieszka has a unique gift – she can reach to the core of the composer’s intentions. That’s what I felt after hearing the great interpretation of my Pater noster, which was performed today for the first time in our country.
The performance benefitted from the superlative singing of the massed choruses. The opening, emerging from nothingness, was perfectly tuned and led to a glorious burst of sound. The firmness of the tone, not to mention its beauty, was absolutely remarkable, a universe away from the interminable wobble so many opera choruses subject us to. Frankly, it’s hard to imagine the work better sung. They had been exceptionally prepared by Agnieszka Franków-Żelazny.
The highlight of the oratorio – considering both the composition and the performance – was the chorus part performed by the NFM Choir and the PNYCh which sounded truly splendid. The singers demonstrated good vocal technique. They performed the motet and the imitation parts equally well...

Calendar of
Moniuszko sung differently
Choirs of Choral Academy – Singing Poland • NFM Leopoldinum Orchestra • Agnieszka Franków-Żelazny • 2020
Let’s sing! The Young for the Young
Polish National Youth Choir • Agnieszka Franków-Żelazny • 2019
Ubi Caritas
NFM Choir • NFM Leopoldinum Orchestra • Agnieszka Franków-Żelazny • 2018
Preisner: 2016 Dokąd?
NFM Choir • Agnieszka Franków-Żelazny • 2016
De profundis
Chór NFM • Agnieszka Franków-Żelazny • 2016
Agnieszka Franków-Żelazny: Lubię wyzwania! /wywiad/
Z okazji jubileuszu 10-lecia istnienia Chóru NFM rozmawiam z jego założycielką i dyrygentką – Agnieszką Franków-Żelazny, która opowiada o swojej muzycznej karierze…
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O dobroczynnej roli śpiewu
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Rozmowa z Agnieszką Franków-Żelazny, laureatką Nagrody Muzycznej Wrocławia w kategorii Muzyka Poważna.
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